Business Sight Media

Impact of Urban farming on health

Urban Farming

There are many other notable initiatives today regarding agriculture and would be growing in the coming years but the influence of urban farming is uniquely widespread because more people live in cities than rural areas these days and food is a central necessity that affects everything at once. The thought of growing food instead of grass and other such types which do not contribute to edible food is steadily gaining popularity as more and more people are investing in eating healthy and organic. What would be better than homegrown food which you have your eyes on all the time?

There are many potential benefits to such efforts, including the support of social movements, economic development, creation of local businesses, expansion and jobs, environmental education, community building, and local food security. Since sustainability has being questioned it is better to have your own market instead of dependence on others.

The vital fact that has driven urban agriculture is the need to reduce the environmental effects and better nutrition needs fulfillment. The use of chemicals to keep the harvest which provides for a large population comes with a steep downside as consuming such food also means intake of chemicals. This has led to diseases such as blood pressure and type2 diabetics more common than ever. Not only thus the chemicals used to shield the harvest but also in packing and transportation. This again has a severe impact on the food being consumed. Rather than using chemicals that destroy soil biology, urban farming culture stresses sustainable organic techniques that enrich the topsoil.

Local food has more freshness, flavor, and nutrient retention because it goes through less transportation and processing. As the urban farming movement is growing steadily, more accessibility to nutritious local food and more time spent doing the healthy physical work of gardening will be there. The work would lessen obesity, chronic disease, and decreased healthcare spending.