Cover Story

Fran Killoway - Executive Chairman ( Frasil Group Pty Ltd )

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Frasil Group Pty Ltd

The advent of advanced technology has revolutionized industries. Artificial Intelligence is making big waves and unlocking new horizons. The changes that have come in recent years are quite remarkable. After all, advancement and progress are the purpose of technology. A perfect human-technology synchronization will propel the society to new heights and several greater things can be achieved. All these plausible achievements are possible because of AI.

Top Visionary Companies to Watch in 2020 - Beyond the Bounds of COVID19

Digital Link
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The digital era has transformed the industries. Technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated day by day. Cloud technology is making big waves as it is the most innovative solution in storing big chunks of data. This sophisticated technology is landing new cloud-based bookings and Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS).

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Salesforce is a powerful driving force in businesses globally. It offers tremendous implementation speed, but the ease of customization means many organizations are drowning in metadata, and struggling with technical debt and user adoption. This kills business agility.

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Inteliment Technologies

Technology is evolving at a tremendous pace. Technology trends are changing drastically in recent years such as social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud computing. The data is the driving force behind the unprecedented growth. Customers can now make more informed decisions as they get access to information and analytics.

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Connie Linder is an entrepreneur and business strategist with a focus on the implementation of innovation and compassion in the workplace. She is advocate for business that aligns with our values and believes that how we work and how we shop can have transformative effects on ourselves and our world.

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Simon Lajboschitz is a non-conformist instead of following the traditional path that business leaders often follow, he decided to take a bachelor in Philosophy. During most of his 20’s, Simon worked in the retail industry for Tiger (now, Flying Tiger Copenhagen). As a Brand and Concept Leader he helped establish the company in Asia by overseeing the brand’s expansion in the Chinese and Japanese markets.

Editor's Point

business sight media

How technology is transforming HR ?

Increased attention on topics traditionally considered the realm of HR such as discrimination, harassment, diversity, workplace culture, etc., are making big waves in the HR niche. Also, HR professionals and organization leaders have a lot to keep up with technological developments, economic changes.

business sight media

Why Agri-tech is necessary ?

Connected devices providing informed choices, artificial intelligence deep diving into farming data and providing guidance and corrective measures, simulated environments to better prepare farmers for incidents and hence, the agricultural field is no longer as conservative as we used to imagine.