How cities are getting Smarter with Cloud Computing

The smart city vision involves enriching quality of life by gaining data insight from interconnected sensors, devices, and people.

How are cities getting smarter?

To make a city smarter, multiple technologies need to be strengthened in the area of various services that deal with unending urban issues like security, waste management, and traffic. Big data, cloud computing, and the internet of things (IoT) together play a huge role in enhancing smart city services. As digitization was growing, extensive data are obtained every second. Effective data collection, storage, analysis, and utilization are a significant key factor for successful smart cities.

Cloud computing is the backbone infrastructure for many sustainable cities as the growth in cloud computing technology has dramatically enhanced the ability of the internet to provide services and various applications. Migrating smart city applications to the cloud have improved information utilization, the efficiency of activities happening in cities and offered convenient and more intelligent life for the people residing there.

How smart cities benefit business

  1. Increased Sustainability– Sustainability plays a significant role in the development of smart cities because the resources that cities use have an impact on the environment. To reduce this damage smart cities are finding sustainable solutions like improving decision-making and planning smarter design, management and resourcing long-term support.
  2. A Smart Economy– The enterprises and new technology created to support smart cities are inevitably boosting the rise in the economy. This mutual relationship between companies and the smart city will bring huge profits. Businesses will be able to leverage the data being collected by the smart city to understand their target demographic better and space itself to provide appropriate service.
  3. Driving Innovation– For a smart city to remain at its most efficient, most sustainable and most effective state, the technology and strategies used to implement its goals need to be perpetually updating. With the constant demand for new technologies to be developed across a wide range of industries, more urban spaces will be created. This will make cities smarter and will be the driving force behind innovation. This holds true especially for tech and IoT enterprises, who respond to the increased demand by developing useful technology that eases smart cities development. New tech and businesses are emerging from smart cities, creating millions of job opportunities in firms.
  4. Increased Efficiency in Travel– By installing smart transport systems, reducing congestion with smart traffic lights or even using self-driving cars will reduce wastage of energy and time. Smart cities have a colossal potential to drastically improve the experience of living and working in the city, and the ripple effects on business will be by-and-a-large positive. Organizations will inevitably see an increase in their profits, sustainability, and efficiency, causing a boost to the economy and many industries overall.

The process of making cities smarter will undoubtedly take some time. The possibilities are endless, but they are not a foregone conclusion. We are on the edge of a revolution that will change the way we live, work and play, so we must strive for innovation and invest towards infrastructure.