You want to read something, get an expert opinion on any topic, need to research on a topic???
What do we do in this era?
Let me guess – The first thing we do is, open the internet and google about it.
The generation these days is so addicted to the internet, so we want to reach them and provide them something useful. Content all over the internet is the KING. If you have great content, it helps people get an in-depth knowledge about all of it.
Here we came across one such firm who are a bunch of extremely skilled and experienced people and expert in reaching people with the appropriate content they produce. Tersebox is one of the leading firm in the industry that has passionate researchers and writers who are experienced in their field and readers all around the globe.
Thought of Tersebox was laid on the conviction of giving very curated opinion piece to New Young India. They wanted to be a portal which has content as per the intrigue zones of audience, content which can assist readers with assimilating data in regards to their day by day life and convey esteem value add in their life.
Being a digital publishing and broadcasting house, their significant obligation is to be genuine and authentic. They do various checks to confirm their content before distributing on the web.Major technical expertise that they possess is the experience, knowledge & expertise of theireditorial team. Major part of the editorial team has a foundation of being professors and they are master of their fields. Addition to this, they handle categories according to their interest area.These items support Tersebox to deliver quality & well researched content.
The content from identified categories are highly researched by editorial team (most ofwhom are professors). This team is led by dynamic editors – Monika Dey & Swetlana Neog. They shape the content in a concise way with effective and understandable language. Whole work process of Tersebox revolves around research, analytical inputs & communicational insights received from our readers.
Nothing comes to us so easily and every successful person has a story behind it. When you are passionate and committed, the work becomes a bit easier though. But that doesn’t mean it was never full of hurdles.Tersebox is no exception .To clear the hurdles and create a roadmap to reach that extremity , Tersebox has given all its efforts to rock in its own expertise. The journey of Tersebox from being an idea to be one of the leading publishing firm was full of challenges& setbacks. But with the team of enthusiastic professionals with fierce will, they have delivered what they had aimed for. With all the hard work of our skilled professionals going on in the background, they were privileged to recently get featured in Silicon India’s Startup City magazine – May,2019 edition. They were listed as one of the 10 best startups in Internet publishing & broadcasting –2019.
This is not just what they are. They are aiming at even more work to do and get into various other categories. They will be soon having video show featuring startups and take these video interaction to Top colleges for more interaction. They will be soon coming out with their HR Review magazine with content focus to the audience of our young New India.
Founder Mr.Adhish Kumar Sinha quotes –“ CEO could be a fancy title for entrepreneurs like us, we would rather preferred being called as changemakers.” And changemakers have major responsibilities of delivering work which can change the dynamics in the field and deliver value add to people around. The efficient group of changemakers work diligently, prudently and uniformly to carve best product for their customers which deliver uniqueness & value add. make They make sure content should be a guiding force for their readers, content which can help them in taking decision, content which can deliver value add in their life. They don’t want to be a news portal, but a reference portal to gather insights, ideas, opinion and stand as chaperone for their audience. The founder states, he tries to deliver this daily along with the team.
They are totally committed to their work as being the changemakers and reaching out and being of greatest help to the larger audience. Their greatest strength is the response they get from the audience for being a reason of value add to their lives. They hear a lot from the audience and the audience thank them for their commitment, hard work and making people understand by their writings about the stream which they wanted to know about or are curious about.
Taking their research and then their thoughts and opinions about the research to the larger audience and building a strong connect with them by being a trusted source of information, Tersebox has proved itself and is continuing to prove their worth in the business and also in the hearts of the people.
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