What is cyber security and why is it significant

Digital protection is the assurance of PC frameworks and networks from data divulgence, burglary of or harm to their equipment, programming or electronic information just as from the interruption or confusion of the administrations they give. Digital assaults are so normal now a days. As indicated by a report, digital assaults happen like every 14 seconds. Programmers assault a PC in the US like every 39 seconds while organizations face more than 4000 hacks each and every day utilizing a ransomware alone.

Cyber security is more important for those individuals who rely mostly on computer systems, web and wireless network services like bluetooth or wifi for their work and smart devices like smartphones, television and various other devices that use internet are the need of the hour which makes the presence of a security system more prominent or important. A cyber security system can help to protect all categories of data from theft and damage like

  1. Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
  2. Protected Health Information (PHI)
  3. Sensitive Data
  4. Personal information
  5. Governmental and Industrial information systems
  6. Intellectual property and data

Defending yourself against data breach will be nearly impossible without a cybersecurity program. According to a report, the rate of cybercrime is expected to exceed a $6 trillion margin by 2021. Every sector whether it be industry, hospitals, government and private agencies, tech companies, IT sectors or banks, they need a strong cybersecurity solution to protect their software or data from malicious cyberattacks. They invest in cybersecurity infrastructure to prevent their data or business from cybercrimes.

It doesn’t matter who you are or how much of data you have in your device, it is necessary to keep your data safe from unauthorized access. To protect our devices from data theft, systems like Firewalls, antivirus software, password management tools and antispyware software etc are a must. Cybercrime abuses people's protection and the security of their information, especially hacking, malware, data fraud, monetary extortion, clinical misrepresentation, and certain offenses against people that include the noteworthy of individual data, messages, pictures, and video and sound accounts without people's assent .

There are some simple steps through which you can protect your data from malicious cyberattacks:

  1. Always try to use a full-service internet.
  2. Always keep your software updated.
  3. Try to use strong passwords and change it time-to-time.

Some softwares to protect you data from cybercrimes:

  1. KaliLinux
  2. Ophcrack
  3. SafeBack
  4. EnCase
  5. Data Dumber

Now a days internet and smart phones are a must but cybercrimes are very common too and once they hit you, its hard to get your everything back in place. So try to be aware about everything and keep your data safe. And the most thing is do not share your social media passwords to others. When you try to be safe, then you can prevent yourself from anything bad.