Gone are the bygone eras when students had no other mode of learning than attending a physical class and seeking guidance of only their teachers if they are stuck somewhere. Students had no diverse reach and they had to manage with whatever was accessible to them at that particular time. One could only seek help and guidance just when they could proceed to go to the classes physically.
In this millennial generation when students are no less competitive and have part of alternatives around them, there is a growing need for technology enabled platforms. ξ’e platforms which students can access from anywhere and everywhere. The kids of all age groups have to be much more efficient. Also, it is not about competition, but about developing one’s memory and personality.
AbacusMaster is one such platform that gives students the privilege to learn and grow. Learning abacus is fun and beneficial in many ways. Children adapt the learnability and confidence to solve the mathematical calculations. We all very well realize that maths is an alarming subject for some. Learning abacus not only builds the confidence in calculations but also helps kids to investigate and comprehend the ideas of counts in a visual manner. this helps children visualize it and makes them capable of solving fast and efficiently. Abacus not only helps children with calculations but also improve their memory, problem solving skills, logical reasoning and sharpens their lifetime skills.
AbacusMaster, a brand under Wizycom group, is a stage which provides students an approach to learn and ace abacus. this portal enhances abacus learning process making it additionally fascinating and charming. AbacusMaster offers quality driven education in two different modes β Online and Offline modes. In online mode, students can register themselves on the online portal. They can login and take in without anyone else’s input from anyplace on the planet. In the offline mode, students can enroll in the nearest AbacusMaster learning center. Currently, the brand has more than 200 centers spanned across 25+ Countries. Both programs follow an organized schedule where students can gain from nuts and bolts of Abacus to its master level.
Arjun Valiyaparambil, the CEO of Wizycom group, is an Engineer turned Entrepreneur, Educationalist who has conceptualized and established the Company ‘Wizycom’ under which AbacusMaster is an admired brand. He has completed his Masters from University of Plymouth, UK and has worked in Middle East for more than half a decade. After his return to India, with a thought of expanding his vision with the ideas he had, he took sabbatical from the job and started working on his vision. At this stage Wizycom group possesses numerous other ‘After School’ brands that includes SpellBytes, WizyPuzzle, Y4K (Yoga for kids) etc. along with AbacusMaster. A strong believer of ‘Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained’, he broke new grounds and has given a much needed refresher in all endeavors and established these brands to Global reputation.
AbacusMaster stands out in the way how Abacus is taught. The method for instructing is interactive and fun. AbacusMaster has leveraged technology to ease the process of learning by many innovative tools and modules. Because of this, students τnd it easy to understand and learn. Their program is not restricted to Abacus, but as an overall skill development ‘after school’ programme where students are empowered to explore their passion and knowledge. All students are given access to an interactive online platform, where they can test and practice their Abacus and cognitive skills.
All AbacusMaster students have access to other Wizycom products which include SpellBytes, WizyPuzzle, Y4K (Yoga for Kids), H&Right and BrainGym. These modules are highly effective in creating a personalized experience to develop curiosity in learner’s which benefits overall brain development of the students.
The fexible course structure and ability to join both online as well as offline mode of learning is a great plus for Ab acusMaster. Prop er guidance and assistance incorporated in their online mode of learning removes the restriction of student’s dependability on their teachers or parents and hence they can learn at their own pace. Giving access to all such features at AbacusMaster, they help their students grow well. Hence, AbacusMaster is one of the first portals for learning abacus and training students with great skillset.
The future of AbacusMaster is fruitful. They have been investing their time for last two years on R&D for building new learning modules and training methods for conceptualizing new innovative product and services. All these portfolio’s will be launched soon. Their excitement to see the future possibilities is at peak.
For More Details : https://abacusmaster.com/
Congrats Team Abacusmaster ……. You guys truly deserve this.